NextJs: A React framework that can be used to create full-stack web applications.
Supabase: Supabase is an open-source backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform. It is built on top of Postgres and supports the SQL language. We will use supabase to store our data. That is the database.
Prisma: Prisma is an open-source database toolkit and object-relational mapping (ORM) tool for building scalable, type-safe, and performant database queries. We will use it to read and write data to the database.
To successfully do this, we will need to follow the following steps:
1. Create a NextJs application.
2. Start a supabase project.
3. Download Prisma and connect the application and database.
The first step is to create a NextJs app with npx create-next-app. For our tutorial, I am calling the project "tutorial" and using TypeScript.
![]( align="center")
Once the installation is done, we have to cd into the folder [cd tutorial] and run "npm run dev" and it should start the development server on https://localhost:3000
The second step is to create a supabase project. For that, we have to do the following steps:
Go to
Click on Start Your Project and then sign in or signup if you don't have an account.
A dashboard will appear where you should have a button called "New Project", click on that button.
![]( align="center")
Provide a name for the project, and a password, and then click on "Create new project". In case you used the password generator, copy and paste the password somewhere safe since we will need to use it soon.
![Creating a new project named tutorial]( align="center")
We can also get the database URL now which we will use to connect our application with the help of Prisma. To get the URL we need to go to "Settings [It is on the left side bar] -->Database --> Scroll down to Connection Pooling --> Connection String. [Look at the image below if you have any questions]
![]( align="center")
To connect our NextJs application to supabase we will use Prisma. For that, we will follow the following steps:
1. In our terminal, we will start another instance, run "npm install prisma", and then execute "npx prisma init" to create a prisma project inside our NextJs application.
![]( align="center")
Once our project has been initialized inside our application, we will go to prisma --> schema.prisma
![]( align="center")
Now we need to go back to our supabase project site to get the DATABASE_URL.
Once we have the URL we need to go to the .env file and paste it there with our password.
![]( align="center")
That's all there is to it; your supabase database is now linked to your NextJs application via Prisma.
I hope this article helped you.
Happy hacking!